How I Went From 10 To 130 WPM In 3 Months: Difference between revisions

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take a moment and look down at your<br><br>keyboard for almost everyone you'll see<br><br>the key is laid out like this<br><br>q-w-e-r-t-y a-s-d-f<br><br>we all learn to memorize the order of<br><br>these keys and most of us type with this<br><br>layer on a daily basis<br><br>but try to answer this question<br><br>why are the key set up like this why not<br><br>have all the letters be in alphabetical<br><br>order<br><br>it would be much easier to learn how to<br><br>type if you already knew where all the<br><br>letters were<br><br>but instead our standard is layout<br><br>called qwerty you might guess oh<br><br>it's probably because layout designers<br><br>found this layout was the fastest<br><br>it must take the most common letters and<br><br>put them in the most easily accessible<br><br>locations<br><br>that is not true the qwerty layout was<br><br>created around the 1870s when typing was<br><br>done on typewriters<br><br>that old mechanical device that had a<br><br>keyboard and directly printed letters<br><br>onto a piece of paper<br><br>using ink the exact reasons for his<br><br>design<br><br>are still unclear many people say the<br><br>letters are laid out to make the most<br><br>common keys harder to reach therefore<br><br>reducing the risk of jams<br><br>others believe the layout was a result<br><br>of advice given by morse code telegraph<br><br>operators<br><br>regardless the qwerty layout was<br><br>designed to solve a problem that no<br><br>longer exists<br><br>so the question remains why do we still<br><br>use it<br><br>there is no reason aside from the fact<br><br>that it came first<br><br>it was already the standard when<br><br>computer keyboards came into prominence<br><br>and now that it's so widespread<br><br>it would be an extremely difficult task<br><br>to alter the standard<br><br>but surely there have been people who<br><br>have tried to make a better layout right<br><br>yeah you might have heard of the dvorak<br><br>layout before it has some public appeal<br><br>but it didn't end up replacing cordy as<br><br>the facto layout despite its claims of<br><br>being more efficient<br><br>faster and more comfortable i'd guess<br><br>it's because in moving around all of the<br><br>keys it makes for an incredibly steep<br><br>learning curve and even after you do<br><br>learn it<br><br>you lose the convenience of shortcut<br><br>keys like undo copy<br><br>cut and paste<br><br>and looking for video ideas through my<br><br>youtube comments i stumbled upon this<br><br>one<br><br>he talked about the third most popular<br><br>keyboard layout call mac<br><br>it solved a lot of the issue that the<br><br>vork had due to it being more slim and<br><br>qwerty and<br><br>it also made it easier to learn this<br><br>comment reminded me that i actually did<br><br>try to learn colmac about<br><br>two years ago getting to around 50 words<br><br>per minute before giving up and just<br><br>practicing with qwerty again<br><br>it was hard to commit to a new layout<br><br>because i couldn't handle typing on half<br><br>the speed when it came to<br><br>essays or emails now i want to commit<br><br>but first i have to find the layout that<br><br>suits me best<br><br>there are a surprising amount of<br><br>alternate layouts and my only problem<br><br>with colmac was an over-reliance on the<br><br>middle two columns<br><br>there are a number of factors that<br><br>keyboard layouts can optimize for<br><br>but i was looking for maximum home row<br><br>usage with minimal middle column usage<br><br>i stumbled upon this layout called<br><br>workman which is probably the fourth<br><br>most popular layout<br><br>the design philosophy aligned with what<br><br>i was looking for so i decided<br><br>why not there are a few videos and<br><br>articles on the internet of people<br><br>learning these alternate layouts<br><br>they're fine my only problem with them<br><br>is the fact they never really get to<br><br>awards per minute that i would consider<br><br>as mastery<br><br>and sometimes they don't even talk about<br><br>their peak speed at all<br><br>and sure where's permitted over 100 is<br><br>probably overkill for most situations<br><br>it's certainly an important factor to<br><br>take into account when you're comparing<br><br>layouts<br><br>with that in mind i decided to do it<br><br>myself<br><br>i have used workmen for the past three<br><br>months and this was my experience<br><br>it's been a while since i tried to learn<br><br>colmec i underestimated how difficult it<br><br>actually is to unlearn your muscle<br><br>memory<br><br>when you are quick with typing you don't<br><br>think about what your fingers are doing<br><br>or where any of the letters are<br><br>it's all done by feel i can type with my<br><br>eyes closed because i've practiced<br><br>enough to not need any visual reference<br><br>while typing<br><br>overwriting the habits and technique<br><br>that i use to type each word is<br><br>actually pretty mentally taxing suddenly<br><br>you have to think about<br><br>every single key that you press and<br><br>resist your muscle memory's inclination<br><br>to hit a different key<br><br>when you first start trying to improve<br><br>at typing there are two things that you<br><br>have to achieve before you can start<br><br>getting to respectable speeds<br><br>first know the locations of the key by<br><br>memory<br><br>i'm talking about not looking at your<br><br>keyboard or any other reference image<br><br>while you're typing<br><br>you should be able to remember the<br><br>general location of every key<br><br>after a moment of thought<br><br>second know the locations of the keys<br><br>without having to think about it<br><br>this means committing the locations of<br><br>the keys to muscle memory<br><br>you shouldn't have to actively think<br><br>about where any of the letters are your<br><br>fingers should know where to go<br><br>automatically<br><br>from there you can start training your<br><br>speed but until you know where all the<br><br>keys are by muscle memory and without<br><br>looking at the keyboard you will be<br><br>hard capped with speed<br><br>the first time i tried using workman i<br><br>decided to play against my viewers in<br><br>type racer<br><br>it was rough i believe the best way to<br><br>commit the locations of keys to muscle<br><br>memory<br><br>was to forego any sort of reference<br><br>image i would figure out where the keys<br><br>were by trial and error and over time i<br><br>wouldn't have to think about where they<br><br>were at all<br><br>whether or not that's true it's what i<br><br>did and i got destroyed<br><br>i couldn't even complete a single race<br><br>because i was tapping with around<br><br>10 words per minute i didn't beat a<br><br>single viewer<br><br>who stopped by and came to challenge me<br><br>[Music]<br><br>my plan was to exclusively use this new<br><br>layout after i got to about<br><br>50 words per minute i knew that i was<br><br>going to lose every race and<br><br>that was part of the reason i did the<br><br>stream to show how far down the ladder i<br><br>really<br><br>was but i was still disappointed that i<br><br>couldn't finish<br><br>even a single quote so i decided<br><br>i'm gonna commit right away i went from<br><br>an average of 140 to 10 words per minute<br><br>it wasn't painful the only time i ever<br><br>used qwerty was to quickly type a<br><br>response to someone who needed help<br><br>or to respond to comments that deserved<br><br>longer responses<br><br>aside from that whether i was playing<br><br>type racer or just typing a message to<br><br>friends over discord i was using workmen<br><br>i think that this was actually a great<br><br>strategy while more focused practice is<br><br>often the most effective<br><br>full immersion with whatever you're<br><br>trying to learn can help a lot with<br><br>getting comfortable more quickly<br><br>i imagine that's why people who learn a<br><br>second language become much more fluent<br><br>after living in that country and<br><br>speaking that language for a period of<br><br>time<br><br>for typing it was also working very<br><br>effectively i was getting 10 words per<br><br>minute faster every single day<br><br>up until the 50 to 60 threshold and i<br><br>still improved<br><br>but it started to slow down to about 5<br><br>words per minute of the day<br><br>as for qwerty i could still switch<br><br>instantly<br><br>it didn't even take a second to adjust<br><br>if i had to respond to an angry comment<br><br>i could switch without even thinking<br><br>about it but at some point<br><br>i tried to do a quick typewriter quote<br><br>with qwerty just to get the feeling of<br><br>typing quickly again<br><br>and i was typing gibberish my fingers<br><br>were getting jumbled up and what was so<br><br>effortless before became impossible<br><br>sometimes i would be able to type for a<br><br>moment and then the rest of the sentence<br><br>would turn into nonsense<br><br>it was actually kind of scary i didn't<br><br>want to lose my ability to type quickly<br><br>and after about 20 minutes of struggling<br><br>and typoing<br><br>it just clicked and i was back to normal<br><br>again<br><br>i continued getting better every day<br><br>after two weeks<br><br>i got my first 100 words per minute<br><br>score after a month<br><br>my first average of a hundred i was<br><br>feeling good my improvement was<br><br>consistent and at this rate i'd be<br><br>catching up to my qwerty speed soon<br><br>but improvement at typing is not a<br><br>linear process even though i was getting<br><br>better every day<br><br>after you reach a certain skill level<br><br>your improvement rate starts to slow<br><br>down<br><br>just like any other skill and that<br><br>reality started to hit me<br><br>my original goal for this project was to<br><br>get an average of 120 words per minute<br><br>and that started to seem impossible even<br><br>though i had reached 100 words per<br><br>minute in a month i was stuck between<br><br>100 and 110 words per minute for the<br><br>entirety of the next month<br><br>i was still playing type racer almost<br><br>every day i just didn't see much<br><br>improvement<br><br>sometimes i felt like i was typing a lot<br><br>quicker than i used to<br><br>but then i'd finish the race and see<br><br>that i used to have a better score<br><br>then an old friend stopped buying a<br><br>twitter thread where i was talking about<br><br>my improvement<br><br>and he said this you're nuts<br><br>give it two more weeks and it'll be<br><br>faster than my words per minute on that<br><br>jank<br><br>layout unbelievable he had the gall<br><br>to insult alternate layouts so it fell<br><br>upon me to defend the honor of everyone<br><br>who used them<br><br>on a random twitch stream where some<br><br>viewers challenged me to type racer1v1s<br><br>i was winning almost<br><br>all of them scores of 90s and hundreds<br><br>pretty commonly<br><br>and then he appeared i played against<br><br>him long ago in my courty days and<br><br>trounced him so badly<br><br>i didn't even remember his typing skill<br><br>level i was happy to take on his<br><br>challenge and destroy him just like the<br><br>others<br><br>and i lost and i lost again<br><br>and again and again we must have done 20<br><br>races and i lost every single one of<br><br>them<br><br>it's just type racer this whole bit is<br><br>just a joke but i actually did feel<br><br>defeated<br><br>i felt like i wasn't good enough for<br><br>many<br><br>this would be a cause of sadness and<br><br>motivation but for me<br><br>that feeling of inadequacy makes me want<br><br>to get better even more<br><br>next time i want to be the one that wins<br><br>20 times in a row<br><br>breaking plateaus in anything is a<br><br>difficult task<br><br>sometimes a new practice method can help<br><br>you push through it and other times it's<br><br>just<br><br>more and more focused practice my<br><br>problem was that i was obsessed with<br><br>speed<br><br>i should have thought about my time<br><br>playing oh so violin where even if you<br><br>have<br><br>the requisite speed sometimes you got to<br><br>take it slow and refined each and every<br><br>motion that you're making<br><br>that's what let me break through i had<br><br>to slow down to go faster<br><br>and honestly that's what improvement is<br><br>all about while this is a video<br><br>about [ typing master] continuing to get better at<br><br>anything requires this sort of<br><br>self-analysis<br><br>of course there's an element of endless<br><br>practice but you have to know what and<br><br>how to practice too<br><br>whether you play shooters or rhythm<br><br>games or it's another skill like an<br><br>instrument or sport<br><br>it is so important that you analyze your<br><br>own weaknesses<br><br>and mistakes and make the most of the<br><br>time you spend practicing<br><br>20 minutes of focus practice is so much<br><br>more productive than an hour of aimless<br><br>practice<br><br>but when i finally got that average of<br><br>120 i was looking for it<br><br>felt damn good and now<br><br>it's finally time to see if all of that<br><br>effort paid off<br><br>me against sephie once again in the<br><br>rematch of a lifetime<br><br>another 20 races for the books so how<br><br>did i do<br><br>oh no there's a dash this is not fair oh<br><br>it's over<br><br>it's over dude i'm slain already<br><br>okay<br><br>this is the same guy the guy who<br><br>destroyed me in battle<br><br>all right this this is it i got you in<br><br>the long run<br><br>things are looking pretty good things<br><br>are looking kind of nice<br><br>this is awful this is so bad i thought<br><br>maybe that'd have a challenge here but<br><br>i know i need a rain check or something<br><br>good guy it's even a short one<br><br>this is this has got to be it<br><br>[Music]<br><br>maybe not maybe not maybe this okay we<br><br>gotta<br><br>we got a hundred at least<br><br>if you want a handicap plus 20 into your<br><br>scores<br><br>wow<br><br>[Laughter]<br><br>i won all of them were close but the<br><br>practice i put in was<br><br>really evident i got my redemption arc<br><br>and<br><br>played against other viewers too in the<br><br>span of three months i went from not<br><br>being able to finish a single quote to<br><br>beating pretty much everyone who<br><br>challenged me on that day<br><br>my best average of ten races was in the<br><br>top point one percent of all players<br><br>while there are still typists who are<br><br>twice as good as i am i do feel like i'm<br><br>good enough to give a conclusion now<br><br>is it worth it to learn another keyboard<br><br>layout qwerty is objectively the least<br><br>efficient popular keyboard layout<br><br>but i don't think that anyone should<br><br>learn another layout with the intent of<br><br>trying to raise their words per minute<br><br>there are a few people using colmac with<br><br>vorak with incredibly high speeds<br><br>but there are still qwerty typists who<br><br>are even faster<br><br>how can this be possible if cordy wasn't<br><br>even designed for speed<br><br>i can't give you an 100 definitive<br><br>answer but based on my experience i'd<br><br>say there are two main reasons<br><br>people have years and years of practice<br><br>recording<br><br>catching up to that amount of practice<br><br>is almost impossible<br><br>and the inefficiencies that qwerty has<br><br>are not so significant as to hinder<br><br>speed in a huge way<br><br>so would i recommend learning an<br><br>alternate layout at all if you type a<br><br>lot for work or just in your day-to-day<br><br>life<br><br>you could pick up an alternate layout<br><br>since it reduces the amount of movement<br><br>your hands and fingers need to do<br><br>but that said ergonomics and posture are<br><br>still the more important things to<br><br>optimize<br><br>in regards to speed i would bet that if<br><br>all other factors were the same<br><br>if two people started from not knowing<br><br>how to type but one use qwerty<br><br>and the other using optimized layout<br><br>then the person using the optimized<br><br>layout<br><br>should have a higher words per minute in<br><br>theory<br><br>so if you're sitting around the 20 to 50<br><br>words per minute area and you pick up an<br><br>alternate layout<br><br>you will probably see improvement in<br><br>your overall voice per minute mostly<br><br>because it'll force you to re-learn how<br><br>to type<br><br>and more importantly how to touch type<br><br>i found this whole experience and<br><br>experiment to be a lot of fun<br><br>i enjoy typing a little bit more now<br><br>because the motions that my hands make<br><br>are a bit more fluid<br><br>on top of that the feeling of getting<br><br>better every single day was<br><br>really satisfying and if the idea of<br><br>learning an alternate layout interests<br><br>you<br><br>then give it a go but that said the<br><br>learning process<br><br>is truly difficult i would guess that if<br><br>a thousand people try learning an<br><br>alternate layout<br><br>maybe 10 of them would be able to stick<br><br>with it and push through that painful<br><br>relearning process at the start<br><br>there's an amazing video on the internet<br><br>called the backwards brain bicycle<br><br>it was an experiment done by a channel<br><br>called smartereveryday<br><br>in the project he tries to unlearn his<br><br>muscle memory for riding a bike<br><br>and learns to ride a bike that has<br><br>inverted turning he does manage to do it<br><br>after enough practice but once he tried<br><br>to go back to a normal bike<br><br>he couldn't do it he couldn't stabilize<br><br>himself what was once his default was<br><br>now foreign to him<br><br>however after a few minutes of trial and<br><br>error it clicked and he could just ride<br><br>again<br><br>throughout the entirety of this learning<br><br>process i thought it would be the same<br><br>way with cordy<br><br>i decided not to touch the layout for<br><br>the entire last month of the project<br><br>because i really wanted to make workmen<br><br>my default<br><br>but i thought i would always be able to<br><br>go back to my original muscle memory<br><br>after a bit of practice and coercion<br><br>well<br><br>i gave it a go and here's what happened<br><br>it's been nearly three months using<br><br>workman<br><br>and there's only one thing left to do<br><br>the question that everyone gets asked<br><br>who picks up an alternate keyboard<br><br>layout<br><br>can you still type with cordy<br><br>well<br><br>no no i can't i can't it's actually so<br><br>difficult<br><br>i'm gonna i'm gonna see how it goes i'm<br><br>gonna get a timer on screen<br><br>here we go<br><br>it's gonna be a struggle i think i can<br><br>recall the location of all the keys<br><br>never mind five words per minute<br><br>honestly i don't feel too bad about that<br><br>all things considered i was getting a<br><br>lot of the right keys<br><br>no muscle memory yet we're gonna see if<br><br>it kicks in<br><br>if and when i mean i have years and<br><br>years of practice with query i would<br><br>expect at some point<br><br>i'd be able to type with it but let me<br><br>shut up and focus<br><br>we're like it's j i haven't done a<br><br>single j yet<br><br>where they put j that's crazy i actually<br><br>don't know they<br><br>have to reference it's in the middle row<br><br>with a joke<br><br>[Music]<br><br>we did it 20.<br><br>one hour and one 10 minutes in and we<br><br>finally got above 20 words per minute<br><br>i'm starting to feel it i'm starting to<br><br>feel all right we'll see i hope i don't<br><br>have together two hours and it's already<br><br>taken longer than i expected to be<br><br>honest<br><br>but i do think this is a milestone<br><br>that's uh<br><br>means more than it looks like but we'll<br><br>see we'll see<br><br>okay i i can't do it i can't do this<br><br>rather i can do it i know that i can<br><br>and i know that the learning process<br><br>would be a lot easier than picking up a<br><br>fully new layout<br><br>but i really thought i could i could<br><br>bang this out in a single session<br><br>and i don't think that's the case i<br><br>think this is a matter of days not hours<br><br>that i get to the proper level that i'm<br><br>looking for here because<br><br>i've been doing this for an hour and a<br><br>half almost and i'm barely seeing any<br><br>progress like<br><br>i'm making the same mistakes over and<br><br>over again<br><br>and it's better for sure i'm getting<br><br>better again<br><br>but there's no like click moment so far<br><br>there's so much unlearning that i have<br><br>to do<br><br>i feel like i don't know if i can just<br><br>like switch gears like i thought i would<br><br>be able to<br><br>everything just feels so wrong<br><br>and i know it's just because i'm not<br><br>used to it anymore but still<br><br>oh man i'm cramping up this is<br><br>i need to take days i hope i hope<br><br>that it's possible to have it just click<br><br>back into<br><br>into muscle memory<br><br>i hope i'm not wrong<br><br>i didn't end up putting more time into<br><br>qwerty<br><br>after i did this experiment i<br><br>immediately felt that my workman muscle<br><br>memory was getting disrupted<br><br>i was making more typos because my<br><br>fingers were reaching for the right keys<br><br>and qwerty<br><br>but the wrong keys in workmen i believe<br><br>that it was impossible to be able to<br><br>type at 100 plus words per minute and<br><br>two different layouts<br><br>because you don't have time to think<br><br>about the keys you're pressing at that<br><br>speed<br><br>i thought you could only replace your<br><br>muscle memory as opposed to being able<br><br>to activate either one at will<br><br>but i'm saying that in the past tense<br><br>and unfortunately that's not a result of<br><br>my practice allowing me to learn to<br><br>switch between the two<br><br>and i even wrote into the script and<br><br>except about how i didn't think it was<br><br>possible<br><br>but when i was doing some research on<br><br>fast typist and alternate layouts i came<br><br>across this one<br><br>jash the guy has an impressive typing<br><br>resume having the seventh highest score<br><br>on 10 fast fingers of all time<br><br>but one video of his really stood out to<br><br>me<br><br>he switches between qwerty dvorak and<br><br>colmac in the course of a single typing<br><br>test<br><br>it's instant there's no transitional<br><br>period and he's better than me with all<br><br>three of them<br><br>but yeah it is doable and i suppose the<br><br>difference is that he practiced each<br><br>layout individually<br><br>but he also practiced switching between<br><br>the layouts<br><br>it's a truly impressive feat that i<br><br>don't think anyone else can even come<br><br>close to<br><br>but now that i know what's possible i<br><br>gotta go re-learn corey again<br><br>but for now i'm still enjoying the<br><br>improvement process with workman and i<br><br>want to keep going with it<br><br>i might even try a new layout with a<br><br>slightly different design philosophy and<br><br>try to be the second person that can<br><br>average 170 words per minute across<br><br>three layouts<br><br>if you're just looking for raw speed do<br><br>all the practice that you can and<br><br>analyze yourself for areas of<br><br>improvement<br><br>but if you like the idea of rewiring<br><br>your brain and starting from scratch<br><br>then maybe you can find yourself on the<br><br>alternate layout and get good with that<br><br>thanks for watching<br><br>i do want to plug one more thing before<br><br>i go it took me<br><br>two months to release a new video and<br><br>that's not okay<br><br>but juggling full-time streaming while<br><br>making time for improvement at the skill<br><br>i'm trying to learn and taking time for<br><br>the video creation process<br><br>is difficult i've got a lot of ideas for<br><br>future videos and i want to release them<br><br>more regularly<br><br>i recently got denied for twitch<br><br>partnership and it's given me a bit of a<br><br>reality check<br><br>i was streaming five days a week and<br><br>while it was a lot of fun i think for<br><br>the time being<br><br>i want to focus on youtube so to make it<br><br>more sustainable i decided to launch a<br><br>patreon<br><br>of course it's not mandatory at all but<br><br>if you want to support what i do and<br><br>help me release more content then i'd<br><br>appreciate it so much if you gave it a<br><br>[Music]<br><br>look<br><br>you
If you use the spacebar as the shift key while [ online typing test in english], you will type in capital letters instead of lowercase and vice versa.<br><br>If you press the Tab key, the cursor moves leftwards one space. To do this properly, hold down the Shift key first, then press the Space key. By holding down [ Control] + A, you can select all the text in the current document.<br><br>As mentioned above, holding down the Backspace button deletes any previous character; this includes not only spaces but also punctuation marks.<br><br>To delete previous characters before the cursor, just hold down the Backspace button until the cursor disappears, then release it. However, if you press the return key, the cursor moves rightwards one space. There's a way to change the language setting from English to Arabic or Hebrew, depending on where you live.<br><br>Use the same method if you want to insert a period (.) or comma (,) at the end of the sentence.<br><br>Just type the number and tap the Decimal Point. You can use the same method to add spaces between words or to remove them. But you don't actually need to type 0.0. If you're using a standard QWERTY keyboard layout, you should learn how to type numbers correctly. Then, tap the Zero key.<br><br>On Windows computers, however, users have to use the mouse and click on the desired text. On a standard QWERTY Keyboard, some people find it difficult to start [ fast word typing] a number or arithmetic expression after the decimal point.<br><br>Numeric keyboards enable you to enter digits directly without using the arrow keys. The return key (Enter) is located to the right side of the tab key.<br><br>A Mac user could easily use Command+A to select text.

Revision as of 21:10, 1 August 2022

If you use the spacebar as the shift key while online typing test in english, you will type in capital letters instead of lowercase and vice versa.

If you press the Tab key, the cursor moves leftwards one space. To do this properly, hold down the Shift key first, then press the Space key. By holding down Control + A, you can select all the text in the current document.

As mentioned above, holding down the Backspace button deletes any previous character; this includes not only spaces but also punctuation marks.

To delete previous characters before the cursor, just hold down the Backspace button until the cursor disappears, then release it. However, if you press the return key, the cursor moves rightwards one space. There's a way to change the language setting from English to Arabic or Hebrew, depending on where you live.

Use the same method if you want to insert a period (.) or comma (,) at the end of the sentence.

Just type the number and tap the Decimal Point. You can use the same method to add spaces between words or to remove them. But you don't actually need to type 0.0. If you're using a standard QWERTY keyboard layout, you should learn how to type numbers correctly. Then, tap the Zero key.

On Windows computers, however, users have to use the mouse and click on the desired text. On a standard QWERTY Keyboard, some people find it difficult to start fast word typing a number or arithmetic expression after the decimal point.

Numeric keyboards enable you to enter digits directly without using the arrow keys. The return key (Enter) is located to the right side of the tab key.

A Mac user could easily use Command+A to select text.