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hi everyone and welcome back to my<br><br>channel so for the past one and a half<br><br>months i've been<br><br>learning touch typing or how to type<br><br>without looking<br><br>at the keyboard using all 10 fingers i<br><br>was used to<br><br>only using my two index finger index<br><br>fingers which made me<br><br>quite an average typer probably like<br><br>most of you watching<br><br>most things actually don't require you<br><br>to go through hours<br><br>of [https://issuu.com/ahmedfekitunisia online paragraph typing practice] lessons which some websites<br><br>offer<br><br>for learning touch typing i took a<br><br>different approach that i'm going to<br><br>show you<br><br>in a minute which uses two websites<br><br>only five minutes per day of fun<br><br>practice and in a couple of weeks you<br><br>will type faster than<br><br>you are doing right now with all 10<br><br>fingers and without looking<br><br>at your keyboard there's only one month<br><br>or a total of five hours of practice<br><br>between this guy right here<br><br>and this guy right here<br><br>so let me quickly tell you the three<br><br>reasons that motivated me and should<br><br>motivate you to<br><br>learn this skill first it's less hard<br><br>than you think<br><br>only a couple of minutes each day are<br><br>enough to<br><br>learn this skill there wasn't one day<br><br>that i missed because<br><br>i was looking forward to it each day i<br><br>think mostly because of the way how i<br><br>chose to<br><br>learn touch typing and one other thing i<br><br>did which i will also<br><br>show you in a minute reason number two<br><br>probably the biggest motivation<br><br>is the time you will save by learning<br><br>this technique<br><br>i love to improve my productivity and to<br><br>leverage my time<br><br>there's no doubt that touch typing is a<br><br>high leverage activity you should take<br><br>up<br><br>if you type a lot if you spend 30<br><br>minutes a day typing over the course of<br><br>a year that adds up to<br><br>seven and a half days of typing non-stop<br><br>the average typing speed is about<br><br>40 words per minute and touch typing can<br><br>boost that to 60 to 80 words per minute<br><br>which is a 50 to 100<br><br>increase um if your typing speed<br><br>increases just by 50<br><br>through touch typing you will end up<br><br>saving about half a year of time<br><br>throughout your life which is kind of<br><br>amazing this is of course most relevant<br><br>if you're doing a lot of typing which is<br><br>quite likely the case as you're watching<br><br>this video<br><br>writing is quickly growing into a major<br><br>part of my day<br><br>to get your work outside into the public<br><br>you<br><br>need to somehow make yourself hurt<br><br>even if you're using your voice as a<br><br>medium of transmission like here on<br><br>youtube<br><br>in general you need to write some kind<br><br>of script because you want to be concise<br><br>to only take<br><br>as much time of your listener as is<br><br>really necessary<br><br>and reason number three lastly it feels<br><br>and looks<br><br>just really cool and can actually spare<br><br>you quite some<br><br>some neck tension because you don't have<br><br>to look at your keyboard right i also<br><br>bought a stand for my for my macbook and<br><br>revive the magic mouse<br><br>and keyboard that i have from my old<br><br>imac<br><br>to make it an even better experience<br><br>learning touch typing really reminded me<br><br>of learning how to play guitar<br><br>and piano what happens during the<br><br>process is you build muscle memory<br><br>muscle memory or procedural memory is a<br><br>type of motor learning<br><br>and happens in the brain through the act<br><br>of repetition your brain cements actions<br><br>into its neural pathways so that<br><br>the movement becomes kind of second<br><br>nature it's the science behind<br><br>why you don't forget how to ride a bike<br><br>or why after<br><br>if you're a musician after years of not<br><br>practicing a particular song<br><br>you will still be able to play it on<br><br>your guitar without looking at your<br><br>fingers<br><br>your brain just knows which muscles to<br><br>fire next okay now let's<br><br>move to how you can learn touch typing<br><br>the two websites<br><br>i used are kbr.com for my daily three<br><br>minutes<br><br>of practice followed by a speed check at<br><br>ten fastfingers.com i actually<br><br>took these from or learned about these<br><br>from<br><br>ala ali abdel from his youtube channel<br><br>you<br><br>should definitely check it out it's a<br><br>great channel i really admire him<br><br>i've linked both websites in the<br><br>description apart from the practice<br><br>being a lot of fun<br><br>somehow maybe that's only my weird<br><br>perception of what fun is<br><br>i tracked my my progress in a<br><br>spreadsheet and i found that this<br><br>definitely<br><br>helped me to be consistent each day i<br><br>was looking<br><br>forward to measure my speed and wanted<br><br>to have my my learning curve always<br><br>going up<br><br>which then the next day motivated me to<br><br>be<br><br>even better than the day before<br><br>just see how you're getting better day<br><br>after day<br><br>that's what i use 10 fast fingers force<br><br>let's have a look um at this website<br><br>so yeah it's pretty basic um you have<br><br>these words<br><br>uh that you are supposed to type in um<br><br>which actually<br><br>the 300 most common words in the english<br><br>language<br><br>as opposed to qbr where most of the<br><br>words are actually made up<br><br>the website then tracks your typing<br><br>speed over the course of one minute and<br><br>then gives you a number which is your<br><br>word per minute count and then you put<br><br>that<br><br>into your spreadsheet if you want to do<br><br>that um<br><br>yeah i i really enjoyed this it's really<br><br>simple but<br><br>a lot of fun somehow so there's two<br><br>things i would leave you with before<br><br>starting to<br><br>practice check which finger is delegated<br><br>to which key let's have a look at<br><br>kbr.com so that's how the website looks<br><br>like<br><br>the words are as i said mostly made up<br><br>so<br><br>you will start typing<br><br>qbr uses an algorithm that advances one<br><br>finger at<br><br>a time waiting for you to reach a<br><br>certain level of confidence and speed<br><br>for that key before moving to the next<br><br>before moving to a new key check which<br><br>finger to hit it with<br><br>i once mistakenly started using my right<br><br>index finger<br><br>for the letter b and it was really a lot<br><br>of effort to make it right if it does<br><br>happen<br><br>make the effort and correct it it's<br><br>worth it it's quite difficult though i<br><br>tell you<br><br>so better check beforehand your starting<br><br>position<br><br>is the always always the home row which<br><br>is basically the middle row on your<br><br>keyboard<br><br>and the little knobs on the f and j key<br><br>if you've ever wondered are for your<br><br>index fingers<br><br>um they just help you to orient yourself<br><br>your hands on the keyboard without<br><br>having to to look at the keyboard<br><br>so then let your fingers curve naturally<br><br>when placed on the home row<br><br>from here each finger has its keys that<br><br>are so depicted here if you want to take<br><br>a screenshot<br><br>while typing you should not rest your<br><br>palms<br><br>on your laptop or on the table it<br><br>enables you to<br><br>move more freely over the over your<br><br>keyboard<br><br>and also gives your hands a more natural<br><br>posture tip number two is that you<br><br>should never look at the keyboard just<br><br>don't<br><br>it's what we are trying to move away<br><br>from so just don't build a bad habit<br><br>from<br><br>from the start right another thing that<br><br>i remembered<br><br>from learning how to play guitar<br><br>is that when you are practicing on kbr<br><br>mostly<br><br>type faster than you think you're able<br><br>to<br><br>most people tend to be cautious and<br><br>really hit the right key<br><br>but thankfully there's no punishment<br><br>for hitting the wrong keys it even has<br><br>advantages to prioritize speed<br><br>in this case because you will always<br><br>work<br><br>at the edge of your skill level and not<br><br>get too comfortable<br><br>at a certain stage it's also more<br><br>efficient to build the necessary muscles<br><br>faster<br><br>now see what practice feels right for<br><br>you i found that<br><br>practicing touch typing a bit before<br><br>starting to work<br><br>on different things was a great<br><br>icebreaker for when<br><br>i'm sitting in front of my macbook<br><br>having an endless amount<br><br>of things i need to work on<br><br>most of them i don't know how to do and<br><br>don't know how where to start so hey<br><br>might just<br><br>as well get five minutes of touch typing<br><br>practice<br><br>from my to-do list right most of the<br><br>time<br><br>though already a couple of minutes into<br><br>practice i need to stop because<br><br>ideas start popping into my head somehow<br><br>the action of typing makes my brain run<br><br>wild<br><br>and i get really creative which then<br><br>makes it very easy to ease into my<br><br>daily tasks maybe you'll have the same<br><br>experience<br><br>one last thing that i stumbled over<br><br>while going through my notes for this<br><br>video during<br><br>the first weeks i experienced some pain<br><br>in my lower arms<br><br>while practicing and i was wondering if<br><br>that was normal i made sure not to<br><br>overdo it<br><br>but still got in my couple of minutes of<br><br>practice each day<br><br>um so don't worry it worked out well<br><br>probably it's just a new set of muscles<br><br>that need<br><br>to get used to the new activity so<br><br>that's it<br><br>i wish you good luck with your practice<br><br>feel free to put your comments<br><br>questions and your own experiences into<br><br>the comment section<br><br>thank you very much for watching and<br><br>talk to you next time
If you press the Tab key, the cursor moves leftwards one space. If you use the spacebar as the shift key while typing, you will [https://500px.com/p/tasomo8130 type faster] in capital letters instead of lowercase and vice versa. But you don't actually need to type 0.0. You can use the same method to add spaces between words or to remove them.<br><br>On a standard QWERTY Keyboard, some people find it difficult to start typing a number or arithmetic expression after the decimal point.<br><br>The return key (Enter) is located to the right side of the tab key. You lost the overall thought because the considerations kept on flooding your frontal cortex and you couldn't keep up.<br><br>My composing by memory capacities were typical, perhaps fair if I'm to be true here. What am I regardless, alluding to here, you could ask.<br><br>Numeric keyboards enable you to enter digits directly without using the arrow keys.<br><br>As mentioned above, holding down the Backspace button deletes any previous character; this includes not only spaces but also punctuation marks.<br><br>Then, tap the Zero key. Use the same method if you want to insert a period (.) or comma (,) at the end of the sentence.<br><br>A Mac user could easily use Command+A [https://www.sitelike.org/similar/typing.coach/ website to increase typing speed] select text. If you're using a standard QWERTY keyboard layout, you should learn how to type numbers correctly. Then register the callback preceding checking for the event status.<br><br>Consider when you had a disclosure understood by a dumbfounding idea. Has that generally happened to you? You hustled to record it yet ended up wandering. On Windows computers, however, users have to use the mouse and click on the desired text. I basically never found a time to hence hone them and missed various unprecedented considerations.<br><br>In this way, you failed to get the great imagined that jumped up to you a second back. As a past specialist, I constantly battle with my own brain.<br><br>At the point when the virtual capacity interacts with the reference object, actually look at the name property.<br><br>I didn't really describe it yet.<br><br>To do this properly, hold down the Shift key first, then press the Space key. Just type the number and tap the Decimal Point.<br><br>However, if you press the return key, the cursor moves rightwards one space. By holding down Control + A, you can select all the text in the [https://www.groundreport.com/?s=current%20document current document].<br><br>There's a way to change the language setting from English to Arabic or Hebrew, depending on where you live.<br><br>To delete previous characters before the cursor, just hold down the Backspace button until the cursor disappears, then [https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/?s=release release] it.

Revision as of 21:35, 1 August 2022

If you press the Tab key, the cursor moves leftwards one space. If you use the spacebar as the shift key while typing, you will type faster in capital letters instead of lowercase and vice versa. But you don't actually need to type 0.0. You can use the same method to add spaces between words or to remove them.

On a standard QWERTY Keyboard, some people find it difficult to start typing a number or arithmetic expression after the decimal point.

The return key (Enter) is located to the right side of the tab key. You lost the overall thought because the considerations kept on flooding your frontal cortex and you couldn't keep up.

My composing by memory capacities were typical, perhaps fair if I'm to be true here. What am I regardless, alluding to here, you could ask.

Numeric keyboards enable you to enter digits directly without using the arrow keys.

As mentioned above, holding down the Backspace button deletes any previous character; this includes not only spaces but also punctuation marks.

Then, tap the Zero key. Use the same method if you want to insert a period (.) or comma (,) at the end of the sentence.

A Mac user could easily use Command+A website to increase typing speed select text. If you're using a standard QWERTY keyboard layout, you should learn how to type numbers correctly. Then register the callback preceding checking for the event status.

Consider when you had a disclosure understood by a dumbfounding idea. Has that generally happened to you? You hustled to record it yet ended up wandering. On Windows computers, however, users have to use the mouse and click on the desired text. I basically never found a time to hence hone them and missed various unprecedented considerations.

In this way, you failed to get the great imagined that jumped up to you a second back. As a past specialist, I constantly battle with my own brain.

At the point when the virtual capacity interacts with the reference object, actually look at the name property.

I didn't really describe it yet.

To do this properly, hold down the Shift key first, then press the Space key. Just type the number and tap the Decimal Point.

However, if you press the return key, the cursor moves rightwards one space. By holding down Control + A, you can select all the text in the current document.

There's a way to change the language setting from English to Arabic or Hebrew, depending on where you live.

To delete previous characters before the cursor, just hold down the Backspace button until the cursor disappears, then release it.